I grew up with beer in my house. It was my dad's vice. Every weekend, when my Dad would be home from his over the road truck driving, Mom would make sure to have a case of Bud Light, Miller Light, or, if things were tight, his beloved Natural Light. It was a staple in our refrigerator for my entire childhood and adolescence. I knew little more of beer, than this, until my days in college.
I got my first tastes on my passifier as an infant and the occasion sips from my dad. When I went to college, at the Appalachian State University, I learned little about to goodness that beer could be. All I cared about was the fact that I had fifteen dollars for the week and how much beer could I get for that. I would drink the same stuff that I saw my father down in my youth back home. Nothing wrong with the stuff.....nothing great about it either.
American made lagers have been produced to appease the masses. Like the McDonald's Cheeseburger, your 3 mainstream light lagers, have been broken down from their original rise to greatness to the watered down, homogeneous refreshment that it is today. The struggle to reach more of the mass market has blinded the Big 3.
Until I finally turned 21 and could purchase my own beer, I drank what I knew. Then I had the opportunity to delve further into new beers and I found what I was missing. My first "Real Beer" was a Blue Moon Original. And it was eye opening. Now I know what I was missing and I will be sharing it with you. To pay homage to Blue Moon and what it did for me, I will be reviewing their new Spring Blonde Wheat Ale in the coming days. I will also continue to share my beer experience as we continue. Until then...Drink on, beer drinker. Drink On.
I got my first tastes on my passifier as an infant and the occasion sips from my dad. When I went to college, at the Appalachian State University, I learned little about to goodness that beer could be. All I cared about was the fact that I had fifteen dollars for the week and how much beer could I get for that. I would drink the same stuff that I saw my father down in my youth back home. Nothing wrong with the stuff.....nothing great about it either.
American made lagers have been produced to appease the masses. Like the McDonald's Cheeseburger, your 3 mainstream light lagers, have been broken down from their original rise to greatness to the watered down, homogeneous refreshment that it is today. The struggle to reach more of the mass market has blinded the Big 3.
I realize Blue Moon is brewed by Coors and will be getting into this as we move forward. Not an over sight.